Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What about Friends

Keep on wondering if I'm becoming too sensitive again, but really hate it when I feel ignored by the people who are supposed to be my "best friends". Well, okay, maybe I'm just too sensitive but these two best friends walked back with me to our flats tonight and they wouldn't give me space to walk on the same row with them. I kept on running to this side, then that side, and this side again because every time they would move with this particular pattern so that I couldn't walk on the same row. I always ended up walking behind them. Like a servant. Like a beggar.

Well, talking about beggars, I start to feel like I have been begging to be considered as their friends all this time. They prefer to be on their own, or at least one of them prefers to be without me among them. I'm just too stubborn not to be considered as a part of them. Or too stupid. Or too lonely. Or too hopeless.

WTH then. If they don't want me, they won't have me. They can't choose to have me sometime and not having me the other times. Enough of these running to this side and that side and this side and that side every time. Enough of being nice friends only during lunches and dinners. So they don't want me, then they won't have me. They can be on their own, choose the friends they like. I'm fine.

Yea, maybe I'm just being too sensitive. So what?

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