Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This Imbecile Bitch

I really feel like an imbecile bitch for not knowing that Chi Square Distribution has something to do with Normal Distribution. To make it perfect, this imbecile bitch just don't know what exactly the definition of a Mean Square Error is. I have been a moron for a couple of weeks, kept mixing up things and couldn't concentrate with or without passion. I might very well turn out to be an idiot bitch for the rest of this two weeks, dying to enjoy everything I used to love with all my soul.

I am forever grateful that you love me just the same, this imbecile bitch. Full mark or ground zero on those tests, I know you love me just the same. So I won't let you down. As you give me the strength, the wisdom, the willingness, I will work it out with you. And let the glory be all yours.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


So this guy keeps telling me not to be silly. Silly. Silly. Six times. I even counted it. It was the only adjective he ever used to refer to me, and we only knew each other for less than nine weeks, barely spoke to each other on the first two weeks. Silly. So that's what he thinks of me, a silly old girl. I don't like it. I really don't need it. I already feel like a dumb myself and It is the first time someone ever told me not to be silly, over and over again. All I did was just trying to be nice. I never knew nice and silly coincide.

I know he would even make it seven times if he knew I'm writing this.

My mood has changed from bad to worse.


Bone-tired, helplessly bored, hopeless, panic, scared to death, broken-hearted, and confused over everything. I usually try to keep this blog positive, or showing my keen intention to change everything into something positive. But it is hopelessly negative now. I couldn't eat anything, couldn't sleep even for fifteen minutes, unbearably restless, and would burst into tears over anything. Unable to encourage myself, I fall into my knee and look up to you. You promised to never forsake me. So don't. 

Friday, November 26, 2010

Biar Pol Cengengnya Hari Ini...

Back when I was a child
Before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high
And dance with my mother and me and then
Spin me around til' I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure I was loved

If I could get another chance
Another walk, another dance with him
I'd play a song that would never ever end
How I'd love, love, love to dance with my father again, ooh

When I and my mother would disagree
To get my way I would run from her to him
He'd make me laugh just to comfort me, yeah yeah
Then finally make me do just what my momma said
Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he would be gone from me

If I could steal one final glance, one final step
One final dance with him
I'd play a song that would never ever end
'Cause I'd love, love, love to dance with my father again

Sometimes I'd listen outside her door
And I'd hear how my mother cried for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me

I know I'm praying for much too much
But could you send back the only man she loved?
I know you don't do it usually
But dear Lord she's dying to dance with my father again

Every night I fall asleep and this is all I ever dream

--dance with my father, songwriter: richard marx & luther vandross--

Sunday, November 21, 2010

THANKS (with c.a.p.i.t.a.l letters!)

Dear Lord God,
Thank you for giving me what I need, instead of what I want
Thank you for all difficulties you let me went through, they make me look up to you more
Thank you for this helplessness, it reminds me of the unlimited help that heaven provides for me
Thank you for this loneliness, that I learn to appreciate those who care for me more

Let me be kind, just like they have been so kind to me
Let me be helpful, just like they have been a great help to me
Let me be someone to count on when they are lonely, just like they have always been there for me
Let me try to understand them, just like they (seems) try to understand me
Let me learn to be a good listener, just like they have listened to all my unstoppable rambling

Thank you, Lord, for loving me so much that I may know them in this (unseemly) life.
And thank you, Joe and Gio. This one is definitely for both of you. Be blessed!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Duniaku begitu sempit 2 minggu terakhir ini:
cc2/158 (itu kamarku)
Math Institute
WBS (Warwick Business School)
main library
Tesco (supermarket)

Aktivitasku juga begitu sempit:
ngerjain PR
belanja bahan masak
nyuci baju di launderette
cek surat di post room

Kekhawatiranku juga begitu sempit:
ga bisa ngerjain PR
ga ngerti kuliah
ga lulus ujian

hidup menjadi begitu sederhana.
alangkah senangnya kalau bisa selamanya seperti itu.

tapi seperti bayi yang tidak selamanya hanya bisa menangis,
aku akan keluar dari kesederhanaan ini.
dan mengenang semua kesulitan dan kelelahan ini dengan senyum
dan melangkah sebagai aku yang lebih baik.

Terima kasih, Tuhan.
Aku mengasihi-Mu, sungguh!

Monday, November 15, 2010


pasti bisa!
harus bisa!

tutup mata sejenak,
tarik napas dalam-dalam,
dan bilang: bisa, pasti bisa, ngga mungkin ngga bisa...

inget yang Bapak selalu bilang:
kalau Tuhan sudah pimpin sejauh ini
maka Tuhan pasti pimpin sampai selesai
dan kesudahannya pasti sesuatu yang indah dan baik

pasti bisa!
bersama Dia pasti bisa!

aku mau cintai kekuranganmu... *jiahhhh*

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I Believe It's Better to:

...start giving thanks for little nice things that's happening to me rather than complaining on enormous horrible things that I just can't get rid of

...start being a good friend to somebody rather than sobbing over not having a real friend close by

...start being passionate with the path I have chosen rather than regretting over the ones I have not

...start living one step at a time rather than looking too far forward on those scary-dark-never ending tunnel

...start believing again in a God who never forsake me rather than enraged over some people who just don't know how to be nice

...start working on my Probability and Stochastic Processes problems one at a time rather than worrying how I can get through with only four weeks to go

and finally, start believing again in a God who "gives to His beloved even in his sleep"  but also wants me to "take lessons from the ants"...

--so cheer up a little, gloomy curly, your Lord God loves you so much He's even given His only Son--

Monday, November 08, 2010

If Only There was a Ctrl+Z in Real Life

We have just crossed the street when this old lady wave her hands to us. She talked about birds and bread and how we should share our bread with the birds. Weird. She said she was an Italian and that we should go to Rome and many other things I didn't find relevant to anything. Then she took his hands and my hands and said, "boyfriend," while looking at him and, "girlfriend," looking at me. Then it was the dumbest thing I could ever do, saying, "Noooooo we're friends."


I should have said, "I wish so."


Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Semoga Tuhan Berkenan

Aku tak tahu, di mana telah terjadi kesalahan. Aku bahkan tak tahu, apakah memang ada yang salah. Aku hanya mau menguatkan hati, menguatkan tubuh, menguatkan mental. Di mana pun kesalahan itu, bahkan walau memang tak ada yang salah, aku akan tetap melangkah. Aku berjanji tak akan menyalahkan siapa pun, apa pun; aku tak akan menyesali apa pun, tak akan menyesali setiap keputusan, setiap tindakan, setiap langkah, setiap kata. Aku akan memperbaiki kesalahanku, bila ada, dan berjanji akan berusaha sekuat hati dan tenaga untuk tidak mengulangi, namun aku tak akan menyesali apa pun.

Aku akan melangkah dengan kepala tegak. Aku akan berjuang dengan doa, kerja keras, dan air mata. Aku akan merendahkan hati, persis seperti mendiang Bapak tersayang selalu ingatkanku. Aku berjanji akan lakukan yang terbaik yang aku bisa lakukan. Mungkin aku akan gagal, tapi aku tak akan menyerah.

Aku serahkan ketetapanku, pengharapanku, kerja kerasku, keputusasaanku, pada Tuhan yang memiliki kuasa untuk mencipta dari tidak ada menjadi ada. Aku percaya Tuhan bisa menjadikan tidak mungkin menjadi mungkin, ekor menjadi kepala, lemah menjadi kuat, tak memiliki menjadi berkelimpahan. Aku tak akan menyerah; semoga Tuhan berkenan.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Two Years Later

Two years after that rainy day, I still cry a lot. I shed all tears I have always keep for myself -- and for you. Tears of longing, for not being able to talk to you, to listen to you, to hold your hands, to look into your eyes; tears of love, love of a daddy's girl, love of a best friend, love for an idol; tears of regret, for not obeying you more, for not praying with you more, for not praying for you more.

Two years after that tearful day, I still talk of you like you are still around. At times, it just feel like you are still home, waiting for me to come to you, to tell my days to you.

Two years after that painful day, I still do everything for you. I still try to be the best to make you proud of me, proud of having me in your life, even though I always know, everybody knows, how proud you were of me to be just I am.

Two years after that unforgettable day, I still love you. You are still my hero, my inspiration, my best friend. You made me go through it all, survived, and worked my way to be the best I can be: a woman of grace, a woman of mercy, a woman of faith.

I will forever be grateful to be loved the way you loved me. You are the best father any daughters would ever possibly have in the whole universe.

Coventry, two years and 1 hour after we buried his remaining.