So here I am again, Willing to be opened up and broken like a flower in the rain
Tell me what have I to do to die and then be raised
To reach beyond the pain
Like a flower in the rain…
-a flower in the rain, jaci velasquez-It's all about me. My thoughts, my opinion, my stories, my friends, and above all: my dreams. It's also about people, one thing that I find so difficult to cope with but also so difficult to live without.
So here I am again, Willing to be opened up and broken like a flower in the rain
Tell me what have I to do to die and then be raised
To reach beyond the pain
Like a flower in the rain…
-a flower in the rain, jaci velasquez-
Posted by
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Labels: my faith, survival kit
Langit yg sama, bumi yg sama, jalan yg sama, bahkan bajaj yg sama. Duduk di kursi yg sama, menghadap meja yg sama dan komputer yg sama. Membuka file-file yg sama, berhadapan dgn org2 yg sama, dan merencanakan hal2 yg sama. Semua sama. Hampir semua.
Skrg aku yg berbeda. Aku yg melihat dr sudut yg berbeda, dgn pengharapan yg berbeda, dgn cara yg berbeda. Aku yg berpikir dgn tujuan yg berbeda, bergerak dgn hasrat yg berbeda, tersenyum dgn hati yg berbeda. Semua berbeda. Hampir semua. Mimpiku masih mimpi yg sama.
Posted by
Monday, October 02, 2006
Labels: survival kit